Monday, 18 August 2014

GSoC Journey ends......

This week I mainly worked removing mostly UI bugs and also some backend bugs. Here is the list of bugs that were solved this week and also tried to solve bugs that were reported in my repo.

  1. Now user is redirected to updated ticket page on clicking ticket update button in ticket modify view - commit
  2. Moved login link to right, increased spacing between EDSP in ticket view and some more css changes - commit
  3. Now user can see unsubscribe link in blog view if he is subscribed to that blog in modernized theme - commit
  4. Now user can select a filter(open/closed/all) and then choose sort option and only tickets relevant to that filter will be displayed - commit
  5. Now user can check the issues assigned to a particular user - commit
  6. Added link to depends_on and superseded_by in ticket modify view - commit
  7. Made ticket-create button in +tickets view working with a workaround - commit
  8. Now Clicking the All, Open, or Closed buttons in +tickets view clears search field and selected tags - commit
  9. Top-right search query field is now aligned properly in modernized theme - commit
  10. Removed overlapping of create-ticket button with the heading underlining - commit
  11. Now hspacing between All/Open/Closed and Sort is same in +tickets view - commit
  12. Fixed traceback which comes when a superuser views the Admin > Users and Admin > Groups reports - commit
  13. Changed format of ticket submit and modify view- moved comments to right and metadata to left - commit
  14. Now blog entry heading and discussion page link at the bottom are left aligned - commit
  15. Added spacing between create-blog-entry button and there are not blog entries message and also changed the tip for sorting by columns in +tickets view - commit
  16. Removed padding for table headers not having on click sorting feature - commit
Finally the 3 month long journey has come to an end. This was a great experience for me, learnt many new things and also got an exposure of working with Open Source. I would like to thank my mentors - Dmitrijs, Roger and Thomas for their constant support throughout this time period. They have been really very helpful throughout the project. 
Looking forward to continue contribution to Open Source    

Sunday, 10 August 2014

GSoC Update: August 10

Week 12:

This week I mainly focussed on getting the pending crs committed and finalized.

Finalized and committed stuff

Improved UI of Blog Items in all the themes:
  • Modernized Theme: codereview and commit to my repo
  • Foobar Theme: codereview and commit to my repo. Also added itemviews such as Add quicklink, modify etc in blog view by defining itemviews.
  • Basic Theme: codereview and commit to my repo.

Moved comments to right and meta-data information to the left in ticket show/modify view and also removed the dependency on item_name in this template, used summary/fqname instead of fqname. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Added ticket-create button and blog-entry-create button in +tickets view and blog view respectively in all the themes with a TODO of creating tickets without any initial fqname. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Now shortened fqname is shown in trail and also used fqname instead of item_name in location_breadcrumbs in foobar theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also did the same thing for basic theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Fixed #326 - Removed duplicate "Add comment" and "message", just used "Add comment". Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Now only tags specific to ticket items are shown in +tickets view and ticket show/modify view. For this I added a function that takes ITEMTYPE as argument and returns the tags associated with items of such itemtype. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

For the coming week my main focus would be to check for some more bugs and also try to solve them, improve documentation and some UI changes.

Friday, 1 August 2014

GSoC Update: August 1 2014

Week 10 & 11

Worked on trail for tickets/nameless items. Now shortened fqname is shown in trail instead of full fqname. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Changed the order of items in blog edit meta data view as pointed by Thomas, kept similar fields together and important fields on the top. Also removed the unnecessary show/modify options from Global Index. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Worked on Global History, now fqname is summary/shortened fqname is shown in this view. Also added link to +tickets view in navbar. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Added ticket-create button and blog-entry-create button in +tickets view and blog view respectively with a TODO of adding functionality of creating these items without any initial fqname/name. Here is the codereview. I am yet to commit this to my repo.

Removed validation errors from +tickets view and ticket show/modify view.

  • +tickets view: codereview and commit. I have reverted this commit as this has changes in css files whose names have been changed in the pull of Ajitesh(:randomax) so I will commit this again after the merge of his pull request as then there won't be any merge conflict.
  • ticket show/modify view: codereview and commit

Shown only ticket specific tags in +tickets view and ticket show/modify view but used very basic query method, looking for some faster way. Here is the codereview

Moved meta-data to right and comments to left in ticket show/modify view. Here is the codereview.

Improved UI of blog items in basic and modernized theme and also removed the dependency on item_name from this view, used fqname instead of item_name.

Also fixed traceback that comes on accessing +admin/itemsize. This was because of tickets, so I used fqname instead of item_name. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

So now solved both #1 and #2 of my repo. 

Friday, 18 July 2014

GSoC Update: July 18 2014

Last week's summary:

Added css for +tickets view for modernized and foobar theme.
For modernized theme: codereview and commit to my repo.
Here is the screenshot

For foobar theme: codereview and commit to my repo.
Here is the screenshot

Added some more meta-data information(specific to blog items such as ptime, suppertags) to be displayed in modify view of blog items. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also finalized the solution of #433 - Added User Actions, Item Actions bar, Show, History, Modify and other important links in view template of nameless items in basic theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also made summary field in blog entries as necessary field so that only summary is shown on the blog entry view instead of name. Here is the codereview

Now I am working on Improving UI of blog items in all the themes.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

GSoC Update: July 9 2014

Last week's summary:

Added 'Subscribe' and 'Add quicklink' option in ticket's modify template. Now users can subscribe to ticket items and also quicklink them in basic theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Made nameless items downloadable. Previously there user couldn't download nameless items as the filename that was used for downloading used name of the item which was raising error in case of nameless items so I removed this dependency on name and defined separate function for getting filename (get_download_file_name). This returns the name of the item if there is some name else return field-value as download file name. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also made blog items update work and add useful links of modify, subscribe, modify meta etc on blog page. Here is the codereview for my changes. One TODO is to make blog-posts nameless which would be done once we get a way to create items without any initial fqname.

Fixed #433 - Now User Actions, Item Actions, Show, History, Modify etc are also displayed in the view of nameless items in basic theme. Here is the codereview for my changes . I am yet to commit it to my repo.

Also tried to write tests for +tickets view but couldn't complete it as we need pytest latest version(2.5.2) but currently it is not compatible with moin, so I will come to it later. Here is the codereview for the above.

Monday, 30 June 2014

GSoC Update: June 30 2014

Since last 10-12 days I have been working on adding some more features to +tickets view and also improve the UI of ticket items.
Features Added to +tickets view:
  • Added XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter plugin. Now sorting can be done according to columns of table showing the list of tickets. Also added generic css for class table-sorter-header so that if this plugin is used somewhere else then there is no need to define separate css for it.
  • Now user can filter tickets according to the tags. User can filter tickets by selecting multiple tags.
  • Now sorting can also be done on the basis of modified time (Recently modified and least recently modified)
UI of ticket items: As decided in the plan in order to improve UI of ticket items I defined css for radio-buttons, select-lists, text-inputs and submit buttons. I defined the css in a way that it is compatible with all the themes. Here is the screenshot

Also added tag suggestions in ticket submit and modify view.

Also I passed the Mid-Term Evaluation that took place last week. I would like to thank my project mentors - dimazest, Thomas Waldmann and RogerHaase for their constant support.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

GSoC Update: Finalized /+tickets view with some more features

This week I worked on adding more features to the basic /+tickets view that was made last week.
Following are the features that are in this view

  •  Now there is a search bar in this view by which user can search for text in comments, summary, itemid and tags. 
  • There is also a filter option by which user can filter the results by priority, effort, severity and difficulty. User can click on any td element and the table gets filtered according to the value in that column. 
  • I have also added buttons for viewing only Open, Closed or All tickets. by default only Open Tickets are being shown. 

Here is the screenshot of +tickets view.

Here is the codereview and commit for my changes.
Now I need to write tests for this view.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

GSoC Update: June 10 2014

Last week I worked on adding /+tickets view having a list of tickets in a tabular form. It contains important meta data information of tickets and also the links to tickets.
I also added a search option in which user can search in comments, summary, itemid and tags. 
Here is the screenshot of +tickets view.

Also made summary, Effort, Difficulty, Severity and Priority necessary fields.
Here is the codereview for this change.

During this week I found one bug - Nameless items could not be downloaded in modernized theme so I made a small change in order to make it work. Here is the codereview for my change. 

Monday, 2 June 2014

GSoC Update: June 2 2014

Well, this post came a bit late as I was busy with my coding stuff.
The coding period started almost 2 weeks ago and in these 2 weeks I mainly worked on making ticket update work properly and also work on some GUI part of tickets. During this I came to know that this update problem is not only with the ticket items but all items which do not have any name. Also there was a failing unit test due to this. The problem was that the notification module was dependent on name and as items may not have any name so the error was raised whenever such an item was modified. For solving this I passed fqname instead of item_name to Notification module and also to logging signals and used this fqname to fetch the item's  information and send notification mail. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

There was also one specific problem with tickets that for the fields "Depends On" and "Superseded By" it was earlier trying to fetch the names of other tickets and tickets do not have any name so an error was raised. For this problem I made it fetch only some initials of itemid and also summary of the ticket items. Now in these fields the drop-down list shows this itemid initials and summary. Here is the codereview for my change. I am yet to commit it to my repo.

Also during this time Ajitesh (:randomax) reminded me of this bug regarding the dislocation of search box which I solved earlier but didn't commit. So I committed that also to my repo. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

GSoC Update: Final Plan

Well, this week we had discussions regarding the structure of the ticket item. Also I found out the reason why there the error is coming while modifying ticket item. Actually when we are modifying ticket then for the fields "Superseded By" and "Depends On", it tries to create a select list and for that it tries to fetch the name and ITEMID of the other ticket items and as name field is not defined then an error is raised. I was able to find this by creating breakpoints using Pycharm. Seriously, Pycharm is very nice IDE for python and web development.
Here is the Plan

The ticket item will only have ITEMID not the names.
  • In the fields "Superseded By" and "Depends On", we will first try to have ITEMID as option for display and then afterwards we will try to have "one-line summary" also displayed in in the options so that it is easy for the user select the desirable option.
  • There would a view having list of tickets with their links and one-line summary.
  • Also the the UI of the ticket would be made better by using bootstrap i.e the drop-down lists, submit buttons etc would be given bootstrap touch.
If required some minor changes may be incorporated :D

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Running Moin2 in Pycharm

Before posting I was in a dilemma whether it is worth or not but then I thought that it might be useful for others in future.
First download Pycharm using this link (preferred is professional version).
Run in pycharm/bin
Add the licence of MoinMoin Wiki to it.
Then create a new project for MoinMoin
Go to File ->Settings and in that there is a python interpreter tab in which the path of the moin interpreter needs to be specified. Desired path is <venv>/bin/python
Then go to Run -> Edit Configurations and click on "+" on upper-left and new configuration of Python type.
Double Click on this new configuration of python and edit the path of the script to <venv>/bin/moin and change working directory to moin-2.0 and then click OK
Now configuration is done. Click on Run->Debug "Name of Project" and then moin runs on default port 8080. Make sure that no other application is running on that port.

Monday, 5 May 2014

GSoC Update: May 5 2014

This week was spent mainly understanding the cause of problems with the ticket and blog items. 

Also I made a sample flask application in order to get familiar with the flask, jinja2 which I would require in my project. I used the sample application from a Tutorial. This application was also similar to blog which supported only one user. I understood the code and made it compatible for multiple users i.e. now multiple people can create account and write posts. The source code of the modified can be found here.

After this I plan to learn Pycharm to get more understanding of the code of the ticket and blog items.
Oh! I almost forgot that I also got a Welcome Package from Google. 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Google Summer of Code 2014

MoinMoin!! Its Google Summer of Code :D


Finally I am selected for Google Summer of Code 2014. I would be working for MoinMoin which is under Python Software Foundation.

My Project is on improving the existing ticket and blog items and also write tests for the same. My Mentors for the project are ThomasWaldmann, RogerHaase and Dimazest.

I would be blogging about my progress in the project.

Seems summer would be Great.