Tuesday, 13 May 2014

GSoC Update: Final Plan

Well, this week we had discussions regarding the structure of the ticket item. Also I found out the reason why there the error is coming while modifying ticket item. Actually when we are modifying ticket then for the fields "Superseded By" and "Depends On", it tries to create a select list and for that it tries to fetch the name and ITEMID of the other ticket items and as name field is not defined then an error is raised. I was able to find this by creating breakpoints using Pycharm. Seriously, Pycharm is very nice IDE for python and web development.
Here is the Plan

The ticket item will only have ITEMID not the names.
  • In the fields "Superseded By" and "Depends On", we will first try to have ITEMID as option for display and then afterwards we will try to have "one-line summary" also displayed in in the options so that it is easy for the user select the desirable option.
  • There would a view having list of tickets with their links and one-line summary.
  • Also the the UI of the ticket would be made better by using bootstrap i.e the drop-down lists, submit buttons etc would be given bootstrap touch.
If required some minor changes may be incorporated :D

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Running Moin2 in Pycharm

Before posting I was in a dilemma whether it is worth or not but then I thought that it might be useful for others in future.
First download Pycharm using this link (preferred is professional version).
Run pycharm.sh in pycharm/bin
Add the licence of MoinMoin Wiki to it.
Then create a new project for MoinMoin
Go to File ->Settings and in that there is a python interpreter tab in which the path of the moin interpreter needs to be specified. Desired path is <venv>/bin/python
Then go to Run -> Edit Configurations and click on "+" on upper-left and new configuration of Python type.
Double Click on this new configuration of python and edit the path of the script to <venv>/bin/moin and change working directory to moin-2.0 and then click OK
Now configuration is done. Click on Run->Debug "Name of Project" and then moin runs on default port 8080. Make sure that no other application is running on that port.

Monday, 5 May 2014

GSoC Update: May 5 2014

This week was spent mainly understanding the cause of problems with the ticket and blog items. 

Also I made a sample flask application in order to get familiar with the flask, jinja2 which I would require in my project. I used the sample application from a Tutorial. This application was also similar to blog which supported only one user. I understood the code and made it compatible for multiple users i.e. now multiple people can create account and write posts. The source code of the modified can be found here.

After this I plan to learn Pycharm to get more understanding of the code of the ticket and blog items.
Oh! I almost forgot that I also got a Welcome Package from Google.