Friday, 18 July 2014

GSoC Update: July 18 2014

Last week's summary:

Added css for +tickets view for modernized and foobar theme.
For modernized theme: codereview and commit to my repo.
Here is the screenshot

For foobar theme: codereview and commit to my repo.
Here is the screenshot

Added some more meta-data information(specific to blog items such as ptime, suppertags) to be displayed in modify view of blog items. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also finalized the solution of #433 - Added User Actions, Item Actions bar, Show, History, Modify and other important links in view template of nameless items in basic theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also made summary field in blog entries as necessary field so that only summary is shown on the blog entry view instead of name. Here is the codereview

Now I am working on Improving UI of blog items in all the themes.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

GSoC Update: July 9 2014

Last week's summary:

Added 'Subscribe' and 'Add quicklink' option in ticket's modify template. Now users can subscribe to ticket items and also quicklink them in basic theme. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Made nameless items downloadable. Previously there user couldn't download nameless items as the filename that was used for downloading used name of the item which was raising error in case of nameless items so I removed this dependency on name and defined separate function for getting filename (get_download_file_name). This returns the name of the item if there is some name else return field-value as download file name. Here is the codereview and commit to my repo.

Also made blog items update work and add useful links of modify, subscribe, modify meta etc on blog page. Here is the codereview for my changes. One TODO is to make blog-posts nameless which would be done once we get a way to create items without any initial fqname.

Fixed #433 - Now User Actions, Item Actions, Show, History, Modify etc are also displayed in the view of nameless items in basic theme. Here is the codereview for my changes . I am yet to commit it to my repo.

Also tried to write tests for +tickets view but couldn't complete it as we need pytest latest version(2.5.2) but currently it is not compatible with moin, so I will come to it later. Here is the codereview for the above.